Are These The Sexiest Adverts?

Anorak has a gallery on what it calls the sexiest adverts, a roll call of the usual titties-and-bums indulgence from people like Diesel, Calvin Klein and Durex.

I find them vaguely dull, sexist, unimaginative and almost wholly unerotic, consisting mainly of an idea of eroticism and sexuality conceived by a jaded, coke-snorting, homosexual fashion maven living in a loft in Manhattan.

It’s all oiled-up limbs, hardbodies, Lolita-esque vulgarity, with nary an original thought in the 50-odd images that make up the gallery.

Few of them are actively shit, just a bit tiresome. But the example below is in a different league. It’s quite horrible, and a truly bizarre way to advertise something great.

So, there you go. That’s what people in advertising think about sex. Pfft. Give me Nanette Newman any day.